You Know You're a Med Student When . . .

>> Wednesday, December 16, 2009

. . . you're able to eat lunch and study cross-sections of the male pelvis without giving a second thought about it. In retrospect, this is somewhat disturbing. o_O

3 more exams to go and then this semester's done, and I'll be 1/8 of a doctor! My next exam is in about an hour, but it shouldn't be too bad.

Motivation at this time in the semester is at an all time low. As some of my labmates have said, "Apathy has set in. I don't even care, I just want to be done. Not even the fear of doing poorly on an exam phases me anymore." A few days ago I was procrastinating on Facebook. A friend linked me to the following YouTube vids:

U of Pitt Med School: Lord of the Rings parody 1
I couldn't help but laugh when I watched it. It's soooo bad that it's hilarious. It was particularly apt when "Gandalf" declares "You shall not pass!" to a med student who accosts him. Here's a brief excerpt of the beginning:
"It began with the forging of the great bling-blings. 3 were given to the anesthesiologists, fairest, most rested of all physicians. 7 were given to the renal lords, great managers of electrolytes and craftsmen of the Foley. And 9, 9 were given to the administration, who above all else desired power and research."

U of Pitt Med School: Lord of the Rings parody 2
Short excerpt from it here:
". . . There is a union now, between the two biomedical science towers. BST1, fortress of UPMC research; and BST2, stronghold of cheap foreign labor. And now a third tower rises, a third BST constructed solely to hoard NIH funding."

Needless to say, I'm amused and impressed at the effort and time that must've went into producing such a work. I wonder how those med students carved out enough time to produce it all! Sounds like a challenge.

Okay, back to studying for my next exam. Eep!!


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