Table 6 Potluck

>> Thursday, November 26, 2009

Table 6, the best anatomy lab group on the West side. Okay, I'm biased because that's my anatomy lab group. But I think all five of us agree that we have one of the best groups in the class due to our tight group dynamics. Table 6 consists of Jim, Lisa, Mallory, Ritu, and myself. Hmm, what epitaphs should I give them? Let's see . . . Jim the surgeon captain, Lisa the cute liberal, Mallory the surgical oncologist, and Ritu the adorable one.

Here's how our lab dynamics works. Jim is the surgeon captain knows what to do and how to best do it, he's our best dissector. If he can't figure it out, we're all lost. Mallory is the surgical oncologist because that's what she's aiming to be. Lisa is the cute liberal who contrasts against the more conservative M1 class as a whole. And Ritu is the adorable one who's always smiling and saying funny little things.

Sad as this may sound, I actually look forward to anatomy lab not because I enjoy the smell of the dead or dissecting, but rather it's the only real time in the day where I can socialize with others. And I enjoy socializing with my fellow Table 6. Anyway, we agreed to have a lab potluck dinner towards the end of October after Block 2.

We decided to meet at Jim's house at 6pm or 7pm. Jim made a pumpkin cheesecake, Mallory made matzo ball soup and noodle kugel, Lisa bought some Indian food, Ritu made American chop suey, and I made fried rice. Additionally, another M1 who lives near Jim also joined us. When we entered his house, Jim's cat, Stewie, came to greet us. Stewie is a black and white cat with this cute black "mustache" pattern on his face. He's an interesting cat to watch. Stewie got comfy around me pretty quickly, and ended up curled up and napping behind me for most of the time I was there.

Once we were all assembled, we grabbed some food and sat in his living room area to just eat and chat. All the girls wanted to talk about was Jim's proposal to his fiancé, who he's currently living with. They asked about how they met, how they stayed together throughout undergrad, the proposal (and accompanying pictures), and if they've thought about how their wedding was going to be like. I must admit, all this marriage talk made me feel quite left out because I'm the furthest one in the group from getting married (Jim's engaged, Lisa and Ritu are in long-term relationships and both expect to be proposed to eventually, and Mallory would be just getting out of a long-term relationship a few weeks later). I think Jim was just relieved that there was one other person there who did not want to talk about marriage.

All in all it was a great night. There was way more food than we could finish, and everything was so good! It was nice to be able to take a night off and just unwind in the company of others, to just get to know each other a bit outside of class (especially when that class is anatomy lab). We all agreed to have another Table 6 potluck dinner at some point before the semester ends. I look forward to it! ^_^

Backlog: 10-26-09


Jackson December 3, 2009 at 11:30 PM  

You know, if you want more people to follow / post on your blog, you need to let them know it exists!

Glad you had a chance to hang out with some friends, it sounds good.

Alb December 4, 2009 at 9:45 AM  

You're right Jackson, I should make a more concerted effort to let people know I have a blog. :-P

Have you been hanging out with leet people in your program, chatting up the political atmosphere of our day? Or are you playing online Risk with Dan? o_O

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