1/8 of a Doctor

>> Wednesday, December 30, 2009

In a way, it's almost difficult to believe that a semester of med school is already behind me, that I'm already "1/8 of a doctor." Thinking that way, it all feels so real. It's been such a whirlwind of a semester that I haven't really felt the time to chronicle it all. But don't worry, I have some stuff written down somewhere - I just have to transpose them into blog posts.

Earlier today I was talking with a friend of mine, James, who I've known since elementary school. He's in his first year of dental school at UM-Ann Arbor right now. He was updating me on some other people from our hometown that he still communicates/hangs out with. Pete and Mike Z are in med school at MSU now, and Mike B will be starting med school at MSU next year. We're all making it, somehow. Though we're scattered, though we're in different places with different lives, we all still made it to where we wanted.

My dad thought this was impressive, our little soccer team from way back (I was on a soccer team with James, Mike B, and Mike Z in 4th grade). Thinking on this, I'm proud that we've all achieved so much, that none of us gave up. I would be ecstatic to one day call these old friends my colleagues.

On a tangent, yesterday I met with my friend, Jared, for a late lunch/early dinner. He was my next-door neighbor for about 7-8 years. For a long time, I considered him my best friend and I still consider him one of my closest friends. He graduated last year with his degrees in communications and film studies (I believe). He wants to go into the film industry and one day be a movie director. He's really good and passionate at what he does, one of the most creative people I know, so I hope he catches a break and makes it out of this economy unscathed. But even he hasn't given up on his dreams and is still working towards them.

So until next time, let nothing stand in between you and your dreams, keep at it and bring on the day.


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