Weekend Trip

>> Friday, June 4, 2010

Well, it's certainly been a while since I last posted (right before I began studying for finals). Finals were rough, rougher than I had expected. But now I'm done with my M1 year!! Huzzah for surviving. :-D

Since finishing with finals last Friday, this entire week up to now has been kind of a blur, with each day blending and merging into the next. Oh how time flies. Alas this is our last "true" summer.

Over the weekend right after finals, my roommate (Ang), and my friend (Howie) took a trip to Chicago. We crashed with a friend of Ang's, who is working and living in downtown Chicago. Surprisingly, he lives in the apartment complex right across the street from Shivani. o_O

So on Saturday morning, we (and by "we" I mean "I" drove) left at 8:30am and drove to the Metra station in Waukegan, where we proceeded to take the Metra train into Ogilvie Center in downtown Chicago. It was interesting driving through Waukegan, because it reminded me of shadowing an endocrinologist there a few years ago. In fact, I'm pretty sure I drove right past the building where his clinic office was situated in.

We decided to walk to Millennium Park. Fortunately, Ang remembered the way (otherwise, Howie and I would be kicking his ass). Of all the times I've been to Chicago, I've never been to Millennium Park or Grant Park, so we made a point of going there. The weather was absolutely beautiful.

Some of the things we saw in Millennium Park include:

A fountain with a digital face that changes, and spits water (Crown Fountain).

A T-rex statue from China (rawr).

The Bean!! (Apparently it's called the Cloud Gate.)

Jay Pritzker Pavilion.

And of course, a tree on top of a building over yonder. :-P

After finishing up with Millennium Park, we walked by the art museum (but alas, it wasn't free that day so we skipped it) and headed for Grant Park. All there was really at Grant Park was a huge fountain. And a nice view of Lake Michigan.

We then took a taxi to Ang's friend's apartment. We relaxed there for a couple hours before his friend took us to Navy Pier, just to walk around a bit.

Then we went to go see Prince of Persia, which was a better movie than I had anticipated. And finally, to top off the day, we took a cab to a Korean restaurant for Korean bbq. I've never really had Korean bbq before, so it was certainly an experience. Our Korean waitress must've been annoyed at us for not being Korean or something, lol. The food was good, but I don't think Korean food will still be in my top 5 favorite types of food. I still think kimchi is gross, though the bulgolgi beef was quite delicious.

We crashed pretty hard upon returning to Ang's friend's place. We watched Sherlock Holmes on DVD but I was dozing off from time to time. Ang was taking a nap during most of the movie, before heading to bed before the rest of us. We called it a night pretty soon after finishing the movie.

The next morning, Ang's friend left to meet a friend in downtown. The 3 of us left for Chinatown to have dim sum. It was rather difficult for me to order for us, as I don't speak - but I can understand - Cantonese (I knew the most Chinese of the 3 of us; Ang and Howie were born in China, how embarrassing). The dim sum was okay, but surprisingly overpriced; none of us were particularly pleased at that. Finishing dim sum, we walked around Chinatown for a little bit, to let the food digest. We all got bubble smoothies, which certainly didn't help the whole "feeling stuffed" bit. And then I bought half a duck at the same place my parents buy duck when we visit Chinatown. ^_^

Returning to the friend's apartment, I called Shivani and met her on the street corner. We chatted for a little bit, catching up and such. Alas, Shivani has been frantically studying for USMLE Step 1, and was unable to join us in anything. Oh well.

Lastly, to top off the weekend, we had sushi before heading back to Waukegan (where I then drove us all back).
P.S. Apparently, if I post pictures to Blogger in Firefox as opposed to Google Chrome, one can actually click on the pictures to enlarge them in another window/tab. Good to know.


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