Pink Glove Dance

>> Saturday, June 26, 2010

So YouTube is a rather genius time-sink. There are a couple vids that I came across that I thought were cute and/or hilarious.

Pink Glove Dance
I've determined that people at my med school don't have enough fun. I particularly like this vid at about 0:58 minutes - the lone black male researcher in what appears to be an otherwise female lab. That's just precious. :-P

JK Divorce Entrance Dance
This is a spoof of sorts on this vid: JK Wedding Entrance Dance. Either way, quite amusing (particularly towards the end).

Muse - Time is Running Out
This song has been stuck in my head on and off for a few weeks now, especially various string arrangements of it. The Section Quartet has a really nice arrangement, but Vitamin String Quartet also has a good version. It almost makes me want to compose a version of this song too, lol.


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