Life & Death

>> Saturday, June 9, 2012

What an odd juxtaposition.  It was the day of my friend's funeral, the friend I wrote about in my last post.  A part of me demanded that I be there for the funeral but alas I could not.  I was on call.  My last ob/gyn call.  The least I could do was ask my dad to go in my stead.

And on my last ob/gyn call, I delivered and caught two babies.  One of them was to a woman I had seen in clinic almost weekly for the last 3-4 weeks, so she knew me well and was more than comfortable with me delivering her son.

What an odd juxtaposition.  A good friend leaves the world as two little babies enter the world.  Life and death always engaged in a dance.

Backlog: 05-08-12


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