Catching Up

>> Saturday, February 20, 2010

So, much has happened since I last blogged. I was doing good for a little bit there!

Back in January a highlight for me was translating for a Chinese woman at the Saturday Free Clinic I volunteered at (along with almost everyone else in my class, lol). I wrote a blog post (here) on my health collaboration blog, Healix. I won't re-write it all here, so go over and read it there! :-P

About 2 weeks ago I had my first block of exams for the semester. After the last exam, my anatomy lab group (Team Dendrite Storm, formerly known as Table 6) went out for breakfast since we all had the early exam time. It was a nice way to wrap up a stressful week of exams. It was also nice knowing we were done while half our class was taking the later exam time.

We went to a local bar place that apparently had pretty good breakfast (and they did). I had a peach mimosa, which was delicious! I didn't even know what they were until then. It was really nice eating breakfast, drinking alcohol in the middle of the day (lol), and chatting with the old labmates. It had been a while since all 5 of us sat down to chat. Usually 3-4 of us would sit with each other during lunch once a week or so.

Last Sunday it was Valentine's Day (aka, Single's Awareness Day) and Chinese New Year. Andrew, Howie, and my roommate, Ang, went out to lunch at a Chinese restaurant that the M2s said served the most authentic Chinese food in town. My roommate was driving back from home, so we met him at the restaurant. We got 3 dishes - the names of which elude me (sadly) - that we totally devoured, lol. It was alright, but I've definitely had much better before in undergrad and elsewhere. Ah, nostalgia . . .
So it's now the Year of the Tiger, my year. Meaning I'll be 24 this year, booo. I'm hoping for good things, though I sliced my right thumb while cleaning a cheese grater (I'm okay! It's pretty much all healed now) so that can't be a great sign. How embarrassing - I'm going to take that as a sign not to go into surgery in the future. Well, at least I made rum cake and it was delicious! I gave a piece to each of my labmates, and my roommate had a few pieces as well.

Anyway, as we say: 新年快乐,恭喜发财,身体健康!


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