Labmate's Wedding

>> Sunday, July 25, 2010

So a couple Fridays ago, I got the day off from my peds externship to attend Jim and Aimee's wedding. Jim was one of my anatomy labmates and it was really nice of him to invite us. The other people in my lab group - Ritu and Mallory (and their significant others) - decided to go together and I hitched a ride with all of them.

So after over 2 hours of driving with bouts of traffic, we made it to the wedding just in time. It was a very nice, simple, and to-the-point wedding that lasted probably no more than 30-40 minutes. The pastor was really amusing and that made things less . . . solemn. We sat towards the back since we were among the last to arrive, but even so we could see Jim's smile all the way at the front - the biggest smile I've ever seen on him.
Just married!

After the wedding ceremony, Jim and Aimee walked to the front and greeted people one by one, which we all thought was really great of them. Because we sat near the back, we were among the last to be greeted. We then made our way to Mallory's hotel room to lounge about for an hour or so before the reception.
Mallory's amazing hotel room.

The reception was quite nice. There was a slide-show playing of Jim and Aimee throughout the years. They had known each other since 4-years-old, and really, this was all almost like a fairytale or a movie story. Aimee's dad cried when he gave his little speech, and even Jim - who we noted for his calm and level nature - had a brief moment before he caught himself. It was very endearing.
First dance.

There was this little kid, probably no older than 2- or 3-years-old, who kept running around on the dance floor blissfully. I must say, this kid kind of made my night. When other people were dancing he would still just run about, weaving in and out around the adults. There was also a moment where the only people on the dance floor were kids, and the flower girl really loosened up then.
Little kid dancing next to the newlyweds.

Kids on the dance floor.

After a bit of dancing (reluctantly on my part) and some chatting with the newlyweds, Ritu, her boyfriend, and I left at around 11pm since we had a long drive back. Mallory stayed behind because she was staying at the hotel there over the weekend.

We were all so happy for Jim and Aimee, it seemed meant to be. :-)

Backlog: 07-16-10


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